"(...) The Bravery are every record executive’s wet dream. Five ruggedly handsome Noo Yawk dudes with Lothario’s eyes for the ladies and a pervy penchant for leather and eyeliner, they make a gritty New Wave noise that is a suspiciously precise fusion of Duran Duran and The Strokes. They’re so perfect, in fact, that, to paraphrase the late Billy Mackenzie, the fault is, I can find no fault in them. This album really is just too good to be true.”(...)This album is already one of the debuts of the year. All hail The Bravery and their new bold dream. 5/5” (in Mojo – March Issue).
Estas foram as palavras de Steve Sutherland, reputado jornalista da Mojo, sobre a banda de Nova Iorque.
Sabe bem acertar nestas coisas de vez em quanto.
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