Como prometido, e como é da praxe, aqui fica o alinhamento da PLANETA POP DJ SESSION da passada sexta-feira, no INCÓGNITO. Espero que tenham passado uma boa noite. Voltamos a ver-nos em Fevereiro.
- COIL_restless day
- DAF_prinzessin
- VICE-VERSA_new girls/neutrons
- EURYTHMICS_somebody told me
- FEVER RAY_now's the only time now
- PLAY_chasing the sun
- TELEFON TEL AVIV_you are the worst thing in the world
- DECADANCE_on and on (h8 my voice edit)
- JOHN FOXX_plaza (extended)
- VETO_duck husk and be still
- DURAN DURAN_khanada
- JAPAN_alien
- DAVID BOWIE_loving the alien (extended dub) [o tema que mais prazer me deu ouvir. Esta versão esmaga...]
- GARY NUMAN_music for chameleons (12" mix)
- NAKED EYES_emotion in motion
- SEBASTIEN TELLIER_roche (kavinsky remix)
- CFCF_forbidden colours (sylvian & sakamoto cover)
- ALOOF_one night stand
- MASSIVE ATTACK_safe from harm (perfecto mix)
- UNKLE ft IAN BROWN_be there
- THE CLASH_the cool out
- EMPIRE OF THE SUN_walking on a dream
- BACK TO THE PLANET_daydream [alguém se lembra destes tipos? Belo tema. Traz-me óptimas memórias...]
- ROISIN MURPHY_slave to love (bryan ferry cover)
- KINGS OF LEON _knocked up (lykke li vs rodeo remix)
- GANG GANG DANCE_house jam
- AMAZING BABY_head dress
///////////////////// INÍCIO "HAPPY-HOUR":
- THE KILLERS_joy ride
- A CERTAIN RATIO_starlight
- FRANZ FERDINAND_turn it up
- CUT COPY_far away (hercules and love affair remix)
- RUI REININHO_dr. optimista [que grande tema para a pista de dança!]
- THE WHIP_save my soul
- LYKKE LI_i'm good, i'm gone
- WHOMADEWHO_tv friend
- THE PRESETS_girl and the sea (cut copy remix)
- FRIENDLY FIRES vs AU REVOIR SIMONE_paris (aeroplane remix)
- THE FASCINATION MOVEMENT_down again (h8 my voice edit)
- NEW ORDER_touched by the hand of god
- PRIMAL SCREAM_glory of love
- LATE OF THE PIER_space and woods [esta teve dedicatória]
- DELPHIC_doubt
- GLASVEGAS_geraldine
- WHITE LIES_death
- GARBAGE_only happy when it rains
- JESUS & MARY CHAIN_happy when it rains
- THE FALL_hit the north
- INTERPOL_not even jail
- TV ON THE RADIO_dancing choose
- THE GOLDEN FILTER_solid gold
- SCRATCH MASSIVE_girls on top
- FRANZ & SHAPE_contact
- GRAFTON PRIMARY_records for the righteous
- JACKNIFE LEE_i like it yeah
- MOUNT SIMS_the bitter bite back
- FRANZ FERDINAND_live alone
- WHITE LIES_to lose my life
- THE CLASH_police on my back (live at shea stadium)
- THE SOUND_skeletons (live)
- KINGS OF LEON_sex on fire [cada vez gosto mais deste tema...]
- THE FEELIES_paint in black
- THE NERVES_hanging on the telephone [para variar, a versão original...]
- THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS_the age of the understatement
- KAISER CHIEFS_never miss a beat
- BIG SOUL_le brio
- U2_discotheque
- BECK_mixed bizness
- THE BANGLES_walk like an egyptian (todd terje edit)
- PRINCE_get off [outro dos pontos altos da noite!]
- MGMT_electric feel
- TALKING HEADS_once in a lifetime
- THE ZOMBIES_the time of the season (h8 my voice edit)
- FRANZ FERDINAND_ulysses [a terceira "granada" dos escoceses...]
- EMF_unbelievable (dub edit)
- JESUS JONES_right here right now [caraças, como é que nunca tinha passado isto no Incógnito? Gostava tanto destes tipos...]
- HAPPY MONDAYS_hallellujah (club mix) [para fechar em beleza e em clime de festa]
/// FIM
- COIL_restless day
- DAF_prinzessin
- VICE-VERSA_new girls/neutrons
- EURYTHMICS_somebody told me
- FEVER RAY_now's the only time now
- PLAY_chasing the sun
- TELEFON TEL AVIV_you are the worst thing in the world
- DECADANCE_on and on (h8 my voice edit)
- JOHN FOXX_plaza (extended)
- VETO_duck husk and be still
- DURAN DURAN_khanada
- JAPAN_alien
- DAVID BOWIE_loving the alien (extended dub) [o tema que mais prazer me deu ouvir. Esta versão esmaga...]
- GARY NUMAN_music for chameleons (12" mix)
- NAKED EYES_emotion in motion
- SEBASTIEN TELLIER_roche (kavinsky remix)
- CFCF_forbidden colours (sylvian & sakamoto cover)
- ALOOF_one night stand
- MASSIVE ATTACK_safe from harm (perfecto mix)
- UNKLE ft IAN BROWN_be there
- THE CLASH_the cool out
- EMPIRE OF THE SUN_walking on a dream
- BACK TO THE PLANET_daydream [alguém se lembra destes tipos? Belo tema. Traz-me óptimas memórias...]
- ROISIN MURPHY_slave to love (bryan ferry cover)
- KINGS OF LEON _knocked up (lykke li vs rodeo remix)
- GANG GANG DANCE_house jam
- AMAZING BABY_head dress
///////////////////// INÍCIO "HAPPY-HOUR":
- THE KILLERS_joy ride
- A CERTAIN RATIO_starlight
- FRANZ FERDINAND_turn it up
- CUT COPY_far away (hercules and love affair remix)
- RUI REININHO_dr. optimista [que grande tema para a pista de dança!]
- THE WHIP_save my soul
- LYKKE LI_i'm good, i'm gone
- WHOMADEWHO_tv friend
- THE PRESETS_girl and the sea (cut copy remix)
- FRIENDLY FIRES vs AU REVOIR SIMONE_paris (aeroplane remix)
- THE FASCINATION MOVEMENT_down again (h8 my voice edit)
- NEW ORDER_touched by the hand of god
- PRIMAL SCREAM_glory of love
- LATE OF THE PIER_space and woods [esta teve dedicatória]
- DELPHIC_doubt
- GLASVEGAS_geraldine
- WHITE LIES_death
- GARBAGE_only happy when it rains
- JESUS & MARY CHAIN_happy when it rains
- THE FALL_hit the north
- INTERPOL_not even jail
- TV ON THE RADIO_dancing choose
- THE GOLDEN FILTER_solid gold
- SCRATCH MASSIVE_girls on top
- FRANZ & SHAPE_contact
- GRAFTON PRIMARY_records for the righteous
- JACKNIFE LEE_i like it yeah
- MOUNT SIMS_the bitter bite back
- FRANZ FERDINAND_live alone
- WHITE LIES_to lose my life
- THE CLASH_police on my back (live at shea stadium)
- THE SOUND_skeletons (live)
- KINGS OF LEON_sex on fire [cada vez gosto mais deste tema...]
- THE FEELIES_paint in black
- THE NERVES_hanging on the telephone [para variar, a versão original...]
- THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS_the age of the understatement
- KAISER CHIEFS_never miss a beat
- BIG SOUL_le brio
- U2_discotheque
- BECK_mixed bizness
- THE BANGLES_walk like an egyptian (todd terje edit)
- PRINCE_get off [outro dos pontos altos da noite!]
- MGMT_electric feel
- TALKING HEADS_once in a lifetime
- THE ZOMBIES_the time of the season (h8 my voice edit)
- FRANZ FERDINAND_ulysses [a terceira "granada" dos escoceses...]
- EMF_unbelievable (dub edit)
- JESUS JONES_right here right now [caraças, como é que nunca tinha passado isto no Incógnito? Gostava tanto destes tipos...]
- HAPPY MONDAYS_hallellujah (club mix) [para fechar em beleza e em clime de festa]
/// FIM
1 comment:
Tens aí umas preciosidades e pequenas pérolas pouco habituais quando saio à noite, se bem que algumas são presença nas vossas noites. The Aloof, Gang Gang Dance, Glasvegas, Mount Sims, Last Shadow Puppets, Big Soul, Jesus Jones... Tenho que apanhar uma das vossas noites. Ao tempo! Abraço!
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